About Us

Crossroads is affiliated with Thigpen Livestock Co. (TLC) of Chilton, Texas - an industry stalwart throughout Texas and the Southwest for many years. Thigpen provides administrative services to Crossroads in the form of invoicing, as well as accounts payable and receivable. Although our primary focus is, and has always been, to become a formidable player in the direct feeder cattle trade throughout the United States, our affiliation with Thigpen provides access to calves and yearlings from auction market sources throughout Texas for all Crossroads customers.
When we started Crossroads, our initial customer base was centered in the feeding industry of the Texas Panhandle, Western Oklahoma and Southwestern Kansas, where we had built extensive networks throughout our careers. However, we are committed to expanding Crossroads’ reach beyond being a regional player in the business of feeder cattle trading. Discipline and measured growth of the Crossroads team since late 2002 has allowed us to increase Crossroads’ presence in the marketplace throughout the Western States and the Midwest. Terrill Ostrum joined the CCC team in late 2002 and began sourcing primarily “northern origin” calves and yearlings from the Mountain States and the high plains. In early 2004, Jeff Stolle joined CCC to help expand our marketing outlets throughout Nebraska, Iowa, and the remainder of the Corn Belt feeding states.
We continue to expand our procurement and sales efforts throughout the country. Crossroads provides our customers the opportunity to purchase country-fresh calves and yearlings for spot market delivery, execute cash contracts for future delivery at a firm negotiated price, or to purchase feeders via basis contracting versus CME Feeder Cattle futures with the flexibility of pricing the inventory during CME trading hours any time between the execution of the basis contract and the delivery date for the cattle. The Crossroads team is also more than capable of pursuing cattle of any given quality or weight class on behalf of customers during any specified time frame.
We hope that this overview has given you at least an initial acquaintance with Crossroads Cattle Co., and we would appreciate the opportunity to service your feeder cattle sales or procurement needs. Please contact our home office at 512-358-0358 and we will connect you with a Crossroads Cattle Co. representative.